How To Remove Hydrogen Sulfide From Water

How To Remove Hydrogen Sulfide From Water

Hydrogen sulfide is often considered to be somewhere in between a secondary contaminant and a primary contaminant. However, when you are looking for hydrogen sulfide content in drinking water, there are a few things that one must bear in mind. According to health standards and accepted norms, if the concentration of hydrogen sulfide is over 0.5 parts per million it could be considered high. It could lead to a very unpleasant odor. Additionally, it also could corrode copper, steel, iron, and also cause damage to bathroom fixtures and plumbing works. It also has the capability of discoloring beverages and also could change the taste and appearance of cooked foods. Hence it is important to have them removed from the water, especially water that is used for drinking, cooking and other such purposes.

 Some Other Side Effects

 Apart from the above, there are also other possible side effects. These include loose motions, bitter taste in mouth, unexplained dehydration, excessive thirst, and other such problems. It could be specifically harmful to young infants, babies and young animals. Hence, we must find out ways and means by which the excess concentration of hydrogen sulfide is removed from the natural gas and water.                                                                                              

There Are Many Treatment Options Available

 There are different ways of treating and removing excess hydrogen sulfide from home drinking water. The right method and the size of treatment would depend on the concentration of hydrogen sulfide or sulfate in the water. You could go in for a point of entry treatment or point of use treatment based on your specific requirements and objectives. If the concentration is very high, you may have to go in for a point of entry treatment.

 Some Proven Treatment Options

 Shock chlorination is considered to be one of the most common ways of reducing hydrogen sulfate and sulfide from the water. Many sulfur-reducing agents can be made a part of the water supply and plumbing system. These types of shock chlorination can help to remove the problem. You also could use ordinary household bleach with 5.25 percent hypochlorite in the water supply source. It should be circulated well within the plumbing system. The contact time should be for around 12 to 24 hours for the chlorine to kill the excess concentration of hydrogen sulfates and sulfides. We need to bear in mind that the chlorine that is used in shock chlorination is at least 100 to 400 times higher than the amount that is used for treating city water.

 Things To Keep In Mind

 At times, iron and sulfur that is present in drinking water along with hydrogen sulfate and sulfide could be extremely difficult to kill. This is because they occur in very thick layers and they are also protected by a secretion that is again thick and slimy. If shock chlorination is unable to eliminate the problem of hydrogen sulfides, then continuous chlorination and other such methods should be tried out. It could take time, effort and money but there is no way it can be avoided or slipped under the carpet.


 No doubt removing hydrogen deposits in any form from water is important for the general health of the family. It should be done at the point of entry or point of use levels depending on the levels of concentration.