Distribution Agreements For New Products – Part 1

Distribution Agreements For New Products – Part 1

A tutorial on the successful setting up of legal distribution agreements.
The things you need to look out for and where you can come undone.

2 thoughts on “Distribution Agreements For New Products – Part 1

  1. Great video thanks! Im trying to educate myself in what it takes for
    product distribution, and what the vendor typically does to reorder
    product. Reason: I have a patented new product I am taking to market in
    2017, and I need to set up the structure of sales, and re-odering,
    shipping, ect. I just have no clue how thats all done efficiently! How
    do vendors let me know they need more product? Do they all use 1
    program, or??? (I only have 1 product for now). Ive heard only having 1
    UPC/product is a difficult sale. any advice, or direction would be
    greatly appreciated! Thank you – B

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